
Springer Mountain Farms Archives - What Chefs Want!

Springer Mountain Farms Chicken

By | Chef's Feed, Farm To Table, Local and Specialty, Meats, Southern Foods, What Chefs Want

Springer Mountain Farms is a family-owned business nestled in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with over 50 years experience in raising chickens. We exercise great care in all that we do, and our dedication to providing our chickens with a quality of life and healthy diet results in a healthier, more delicious chicken for our customers.

All Springer Mountain Farms chickens are responsibly raised on a high quality diet of pesticide-free, American-grown grains, without antibiotics, hormones, steroids or animal by-products -EVER! We are certified by the American Humane Association as being the most humane possible with verified regular, independent audits of all farms and facilities.

Search Springer on our website or app to see available Springer Mountain Farms Chicken products.

For more information about Springer Mountain Farms check out their website here.