Black Hawk Farms
Top Sirloin Baseball Cut
New Orleans, LA
Item 71271 – Whole 8-12 lb avg
Item 03386 – Fillet
Sea of Cortez
Item 71105 – Whole 12 lb avg
Item 03338 – Fillet
Ponce Inlet, Florida
Item 03547 – 6-8 lb avg
Oregon Coast
Item 04584 – Whole 10-20 lb avg
St. John’s River, Florida
Item 71128
This week’s fresh seafood list and prices:
Mike Wagner began his dream of owning a rice farm 35 years ago during a college class. Over time, as a 10th generation American farmer, he bought his own plot of land in the Mississippi Delta, graded and cared for it so that he could grow health-conscious varieties of rice in a way that not only benefits the consumer but the environment.
If you’re interested in how your food and farming practices impacts you – and the world around you – then you’ll enjoy this episode with Mike Wagner. Plus, he talks about the difference between building and sustaining and offers a unique perspective on food production that we can’t wait for you to hear!
Item 16632 – 6/9″ pies
Item 40017 – 1 bunch / 02244 – 60 ct. case
Item 70920 – 5 lb bag
Item 20721 – Bushel
Item 48102 – 5-6 lb side
4/5 Lobster Tails – Item 48420 – 10 lb case / 3/4 Lobster Tails – Item 48419 – 10 lb case
10 oz – Item 48485 – 10 lb case
Item – 49113 – 10 lb case
Border Springs Farm is nestled at the base of the Blue Ridge
Mountains in Patrick County, Virginia, 20 minutes from the
picturesque Blue Ridge Parkway. Shepherd Craig Rogers operates a
small family farm raising Kathadin and Texel sheep as well as working
Border Collies.
A vocal advocate of animal husbandry, Shepherd Craig Rogers raises
natural lamb, which have never been treated with hormones or
antibiotics. Finished on a blend of high sugar grasses, Border
Springs lamb has a unique fat profile which has a distinctly sweeter
taste than ‘Colorado’ or imported lamb, creating a true artisan
product of the highest quality.
Ponce Inlet
Item 71195 – Whole 1-2 lb avg
Vancouver Ling
Vancouver, Canada
Item 04617 – Whole 6-10 lbs avg
Stone Crab Claws
Item 03768 – 6-8 count per pound
Pink Baja Grouper
Baja, California
Item 03810 – Whole 5-8 lb avg
Item 03811 – Fillet
Yellowtail (Hamachi)
Item 71105 – Whole 8-12 lbs avg
American Red Snapper
Chauvin, Louisiana
Item 71271 – Whole – 4-6 lbs avg.
Hokkaido Scallops on the Half Shell
Item 04240 – Frozen 3 lb bag
Blueline Tile
Item 03547 – 6-8 pound avg