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Item of the Day – Black Hawk Farms Top Sirloin

By | Gourmet, Item of the Day, Meats, What Chefs Want | No Comments

Black Hawk Farms

Top Sirloin Baseball Cut


Item 99963 – 20/8 oz case

100% Local Kentucky Proud Beef from Black Hawk Meats.   What Chefs Want is the exclusive distributor of Black Hawk.   Grass fed and grain finished on average 6-8 months in Kentucky.  No added hormones or antibiotics. Born, raised (grazed), finished and processed all in a 24 mile radius in Princeton, KY.

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Weekend Seafood News

By | Chef's Feed, Seafood

Fresh seafood options for the weekend!


American Red Snapper

New Orleans, LA

Item 71271 – Whole 8-12 lb avg

Item 03386 – Fillet






Sea of Cortez

Item 71105 – Whole 12 lb avg

Item 03338 – Fillet






Gray Blueline Tile

Ponce Inlet, Florida

Item 03547 – 6-8 lb avg





Pacific Halibut

Oregon Coast

Item 04584 – Whole 10-20 lb avg







St. John’s River Catfish Fillet

St. John’s River, Florida

Item 71128









This week’s fresh seafood list and prices:




New!  You can now call and TEXT our Seafood hotline at 502-587-1505.

Have a question?  Get answers quickly from our seafood specialists.




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Two Brooks Rice

By | Chef's Feed, Southern Foods, Uncategorized

Mike Wagner began his dream of owning a rice farm 35 years ago during a college class. Over time, as a 10th generation American farmer, he bought his own plot of land in the Mississippi Delta, graded and cared for it so that he could grow health-conscious varieties of rice in a way that not only benefits the consumer but the environment.

If you’re interested in how your food and farming practices impacts you – and the world around you – then you’ll enjoy this episode with Mike Wagner. Plus, he talks about the difference between building and sustaining and offers a unique perspective on food production that we can’t wait for you to hear!

Tasting dirt with Mike Wagner


 Two Brooks Missimati Rice – Item 96614 – 2 lb bag



Derby Items!

By | Holiday, Uncategorized, What Chefs Want

Derby Pie

Item 16632 – 6/9″ pies









Kentucky Grown Mint

Item 40017 – 1 bunch / 02244 – 60 ct. case











Item 70920 – 5 lb bag






Fava Beans

Item 20721 – Bushel









Verlasso Salmon Fillet

Item 48102 – 5-6 lb side






Canadian Lobster Tails

4/5 Lobster Tails – Item 48420 – 10 lb case  / 3/4 Lobster Tails – Item 48419 – 10 lb case







Swordfish Steaks

10 oz – Item 48485 – 10 lb case









Seabass Cheeks

Item – 49113 – 10 lb case








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Item of the Day – Canadian Lobster Tails

By | Gourmet, Seafood, What Chefs Want | No Comments

Canadian Lobster Tails

Item 48420 – 10 lb case

Enjoy the mild, sweet, and distinctive flavor of these beautiful 4-5 oz lobster tails caught in the pristine, cold waters of eastern Canada. Frozen raw and uncooked, they thaw easily and can be boiled, steamed, grilled or prepared your favorite way in minutes.

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Meat Specials for Derby and Mother’s Day

By | Chef's Feed, Meats, What Chefs Want

55361-2/5# Black Hawk Ground Fresh-$37.50 CASE



99963-20/8oz Black Hawk Baseball Cut Sirloins-$13.25 LB






05591-Grass Fed Trimmed Beef Tenderloin Each-$17.95 LB Antibiotic and Hormone Free




00417-10/2ct 1.5″ Border Springs Lamb Loin Chops-$19.95 LB




05572-10/16oz Choice Bone In Strips-$14.95 LB





30105-4/5lb 6-8oz Koch Airline Chicken Breast(Frozen)-$4.95 LB




00201-40 Day Dry Aged Prime Bone In Striploin-$14.40 LB


32616-Custom Cut to Chef’s Specifications-$16.40 LB



05495-40 Day Dry Aged Prime Bone In Export Ribeyes-$17.50 LB






32615-Custom Cut to Chef’s Specifications-$18.50 LB



06416-Whole Frenched Berkshire Pork Rack 7lb Avg.-$9.95lb








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Item of the Day – Lamb Loin Chops

By | Gourmet, Meats, What Chefs Want | No Comments

Lamb Loin Chops

Item 00417 – 10/2 ct. case

Border Springs Lamb Loin Chop. 1.5″ thick. 10/2 ct.

Border Springs Farm is nestled at the base of the Blue Ridge
Mountains in Patrick County, Virginia, 20 minutes from the
picturesque Blue Ridge Parkway. Shepherd Craig Rogers operates a
small family farm raising Kathadin and Texel sheep as well as working
Border Collies.

A vocal advocate of animal husbandry, Shepherd Craig Rogers raises
natural lamb, which have never been treated with hormones or
antibiotics. Finished on a blend of high sugar grasses, Border
Springs lamb has a unique fat profile which has a distinctly sweeter
taste than ‘Colorado’ or imported lamb, creating a true artisan
product of the highest quality.

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Monday Seafood News

By | Gourmet, Seafood, Southern Foods, What Chefs Want


Here’s a list of our top sellers with pricing for the week:






Ponce Inlet

Item 71195 – Whole 1-2 lb avg







Vancouver Ling

Vancouver, Canada

Item 04617 – Whole 6-10 lbs avg







Stone Crab Claws


Item 03768 – 6-8 count per pound









Pink Baja Grouper

Baja, California

Item 03810 – Whole 5-8 lb avg

Item 03811 – Fillet






Yellowtail (Hamachi)


Item 71105 – Whole 8-12 lbs avg





American Red Snapper

Chauvin, Louisiana

Item 71271Whole – 4-6 lbs avg.





Hokkaido Scallops on the Half Shell


Item 04240 – Frozen 3 lb bag








 Blueline Tile

Item 03547 – 6-8 pound avg








Check out this week’s edition of Cap’n Joey’s Catches of the Week!


You can call or TEXT our Seafood hotline at 502-587-1505.

Have a question?  Get answers quickly from our seafood specialists.