Strawberry Market Alert

By February 5, 2019 Produce

Strawberry Market Alert

Heavy rain in Southern California for the past 3 days has flooded the strawberry fields and is causing major shortages industry wide right before Valentine’s Day.

Florida strawberries are not able to keep up with demand as they are behind in production due to recent cold weather.

Expect strawberries to be in short supply and prices to increase.

We highly recommend looking at alternative fruit options when planning your Valentine’s Day dinners.

Try dipping bananas, Maraschino cherries, grapes, orange segments or peels, raspberries, kiwi, papaya, mango, fresh coconut, dried apricots as a fruit alternative.

Or try dipping something other than fruit like sweet potato chips, bacon (yum!), edamame, chili peppers, mint leaves, cookies, pickles or whatever you feel like trying.  Isn’t everything better dipped in chocolate?

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